Short: Wonderful Text Editor (Version 1.1a) Author: (Paul Schifferer) Uploader: gandalf inet att co kr (Paul Schifferer) Type: text/edit Version: 1.1a Replaces: text/edit/BlacksEditor.* Requires: KS/WB 2.04 or better, 1MB RAM, 68000 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Released: 4-Dec-97 TITLE Blacks Editor VERSION 1.1a COMPANY Isengard Developments AUTHOR Marco Negri & Paul Schifferer DESCRIPTION Blacks Editor is a powerful, user-friendly, very configurable text editor. The main features are: * Multi-window. You can have how many opened windows as your memory lets. * Configurability. You can define the layout of the menus, the function of every keystroke, the function of every kind of mouse click. Moreover, each window can have different definitions. * A lot of preferences. They are too many to list here... give BED a try and see them. * SAS C Support. You can easily arrange it for any other compiler or language. * Backup. When you save a file, a number of backups can be maintained. * Autosave. Your files can be automatically saved at the interval you select. * Advanced Icon Saving. An icon san be saved, according to the filename extension of your file. * End of Line Handling. You can easily load or save files with EOL different from LF, for example files saved on PCs. * Possibility to use the keyboard in an IBM-style. * Full Localization (only for 3.0) * On-line AmigaGuide help (only for 3.0) * Optional "reqtools.library" or "asl.library" requesters. * Optional ARexx Macros launched at each BED start, document opening, or file opening. * ARexx support. There are 151 commands, usable in ARexx Macros or in the definition of menus, keystrokes and mouse clicks. The main abilities are the following: - Edit and Move commands - Standard Clipboard Function - Recorded Macros - Paragraph Formatting - Bookmarks - Find & Replace - Matching Brackets - Undo & Undelete line - Run external Tools, DOS Scripts, ARexx Macros - Encrypting - Open documents without a window (useful for ARexx Macros) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Amiga OS 2.04 or better AVAILABILITY Aminet (text/edit/BlacksEditor.lha) Or request the most recent version from . PRICE $25 US DISTRIBUTABILITY This product is shareware, copyright © 1997 Isengard Developments.