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NOTICE: This is a minor update. While no bugs could be found in
the original version, an oddity was pointed out by a user.
If one was to simply enter EXECUTE at the DOS prompt and
press RETURN, EXECUTE would attempt to get a lock on a
non-existant file and failing that, prompt the user with
"object is not of required type".
This has been fixed. We have included the source with
this distribution.
Filename: Execute - Direct replacement for AmigaDOS Execute command.
Purpose: Allows execution of any UNIX script from the AmigaDOS Shell.
This is a direct replacement of the DOS command Execute.
From the DOS Shell, you can execute any UNIX shell script.
It passes the script on to the specified interpreter
for execution. Usually, #!/bin/sh, but may be awk, sed,
perl etc ....
If the 'S' bit on the script is set, the script can be
executed by simply typing the script_file_name at the
DOS prompt.
Execute will not interfere with the normal operation of
Amiga DOS or Arexx scripts.
Requirements: OS 2.04 and up. Any Amiga.
Ixemul.library is not required.
Installation: Rename the existing AmigaDOS Execute command. (for safety)
Copy the new file to the same directory where the original
Execute resided. (sys:c). This is IMPORTANT because the
system depends on Execute for normal system startup.
The file is residentable.
Note: This command is implemented as a wedge into the original
AmigaDOS Execute command and is completely system transparent.
Distribution: Released into the Public Domain by
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Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
3200 1328 58.5% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +adjust.c
5908 3145 46.7% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +adjust.o
14116 7011 50.3% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +Execute
4724 2939 37.7% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +execute.o
68982 6705 90.2% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +execute.s
1246 598 52.0% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +strsep.1
577 286 50.4% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +strsep.c
204 177 13.2% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +strsep.o
3521 1464 58.4% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +wedge.c
1628 927 43.0% 28-Feb-95 17:44:00 +wedge.o
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
104106 24580 76.3% 28-Feb-95 17:44:46 10 files
Contents of util/shell/Execute_upd.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1328 3200 41.5% -lh5- 95ca Feb 28 1995 Execute/adjust.c
[generic] 3145 5908 53.2% -lh5- e442 Feb 28 1995 Execute/adjust.o
[generic] 7011 14116 49.7% -lh5- 1c3f Feb 28 1995 Execute/Execute
[generic] 2939 4724 62.2% -lh5- c3b4 Feb 28 1995 Execute/execute.o
[generic] 6705 68982 9.7% -lh5- 9578 Feb 28 1995 Execute/execute.s
[generic] 598 1246 48.0% -lh5- c2b4 Feb 28 1995 Execute/strsep.1
[generic] 286 577 49.6% -lh5- 1e33 Feb 28 1995 Execute/strsep.c
[generic] 177 204 86.8% -lh5- 376d Feb 28 1995 Execute/strsep.o
[generic] 1464 3521 41.6% -lh5- c6ca Feb 28 1995 Execute/wedge.c
[generic] 927 1628 56.9% -lh5- 43dc Feb 28 1995 Execute/wedge.o
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 24580 104106 23.6% Mar 3 1995
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