** ADF2DMS.rexx 1.01 -- Public domain
** Convert directory-Zipped ADF files into DMS files
** Description:
** This Arexx will take all ZIP'ed files in a directory
** (see SourceDir below), unarchive them (see TempDir and
** TempDirNoSlash below), look for adf files, uncompress them
** to a temporary virtual (or real) disk (SD0: is hardcoded, but
** you can change this via search/replace, just use a device that
** has its geometry compatible with standard floppies) and call
** DMS to compress them into another directory (see DestDir below).
** If errors are detected, they are logged (see LogFileName below)
** and the ZIP'ed files placed into a special directory (see ErrorDir
** below). The resulting DMS files are also checked against a minimal
** size (see SizeLimit below) as some floppies don't seem to be process-
** able with DMS). Note that having an error logged does not mean there
** is no DMS file produced, so double check this).
** If more than one ADF file is found in the archive, the resulting DMS
** files are put under a subdirectory with the archive's name.
** If no error is detected, the ZIP file is deleted.
** Note: the default SD0: device uses the statram.device, check aminet!
** Usage:
** copy this script to your REXX: directory
** make sure you installed the required components:
** Unzip, XAD, DMS, SD0: disk, rexxdossupport.library
** edit the variables (directory names) below to suit your installation.
** type in a shell: rx ADF2DMS
** get a cup of coffee.
** Contact:
** chaoticamiga@yahoo.fr
** Legal status:
** This arexx script is public domain. Do whatever you want with it. You
** can even try to sell it if you find someone willing to pay for it :-)
** Available variations (check out the usage by yourself, it's quite obvious)
** adface2dms.rexx will do the same for ACE'd adf files
** adz2dms.rexx will process gzip'ed adf files. Only one adf per archive for
** this one obviously. It expects files to be named blah_adf.gz
** so you might want to edit it to support blah.adz...
** History:
** V1.01 : No longer requires that * is enabled as a wildcard in DOS
** V1.00 : Initial release.
** Future:
** I don't really use this program anymore. But if you want an extra feature (like
** command-line arguments via rexxdossupport.library's ReadArgs()), you can
** 1) code it yourself (and release it, please leave this in public domain)
** 2) mail me and ask for it (I don't guarantee I'll do it but at least I don't bite)