The following scripts are placed into the public domain.
Disclaimer: Use at your own risk - the authors are not to
be held liable for any damage...
RemAnsi: Textfile 'noise' filter.
This script removes (hopefully) any Amiga ANSI-control sequences
(ESC and CSI) from its input file.
It further strips the following bytes:
It can replace formatfeeds (0x0c) by linefeeds (0x0a) and translate
the poor man's bold/underline into something readable
(EG. 'A<backspace>_' wird zu 'A').
RemAnsi.Test: The beginning of less.0 with some added evil to test RemAnsi.
Note - you do not need to remove the backspace constructs, since
the deskjet and other printers and the cli understand them.
but they're just too ugly, when seen in a texteditor !
4print: version 2 for HP Deskjet.
+ Script modified for papersize DIN A4
+ automatic handling of two-sided printjobs (simply reinsert the
complete output and print backsides...)
+ partial translation of ECMA94Latin1 umlauts to the deskjet default
charset PC8
+ width adjustment for backspaces (double strike typewriter mode :-))
+ tab expansion
+ 4 normal pages on one side (default)
(each upto 89chars/line and 66 lines!)
+ adjustable formats: upto 8 (smaller) minipages on one side
+ quick mode and letter quality mode
-> for other paper formats, adjust localpagesize, psize,
change the settings for the various layout styles (width,
oddleftborder) and set the command sequence isoA4='' for default
(should be US Letter).
Original author: Joe Smith,
the bugs in 4print however are mine :-).
4print: Original poster and signature:
From: jms@tardis.Tymnet.COM (Joe Smith)
Newsgroups: alt.sources.amiga
Subject: Program to print 4 pages on 1 piece of paper
Summary: For HP DeskJet printer, written in AREXX
Message-ID: <3111@tardis.Tymnet.COM>
Date: 2 Sep 92 07:55:40 GMT
Organization: BT Tymnet, San Jose, CA
Lines: 140
Joe Smith (408)922-6220 BTNA GNS Major Programs, TYMNET Global Network
<> P.O. Box 49019, MS-C51, San Jose, CA 95161-9019
CA license plate: "POPJ P," Married to the LB, Quantum Leap's #1
PDP-10, 36-bits forever! Humorous disclaimer: "My Amiga 3000 speaks for me."
Bugs / Todo:
+ both programs aren't smart about pipes -
but anyway - they aren't the kind of standard filter, either :-)
+ <whatever you find>
Peter Jakobi, Munich, Oct. 2, 1992 # cat .sig I'm on strike. #