Here are the pictures from The Amiga Web (
I have made two archives, one with the original gif pictures and one archive
were I have converted the pictures to 16 colors iffs for esc machines.
This archives contains the original pictures:
AMFTP, the File Transfer Protocol Client
amftp1.gif (39K) - AMFTP during file transmission.
amftp2.gif (32K) - Local and remote file selector windows.
AMIRC, the Internet Relay Chat Client
amirc1.gif (31K) - AMIRC server selection window.
amirc1.gif (27K) - Main chatting and user list window.
Mindwalker, the Web Browser
mindwk1.gif (33K) - Mindwalker visiting Amiga Technologies' home page.
mindwk2.gif (37K) - At DEC's Alta Vista.
mindwk3.gif (37K) - Showing Yahoo!
mindwk4.gif (50K) - Checking out Team 17.
mindwk5.gif (98K) - Browsing the American Stock Exchange.
Voodoo, the E-Mail Client
voodoo1.gif (33K) - Main message window.
CREATIVE LINKS __ Kenneth C. Nilsen /_/\ e-mail:
"Everything you want" \_\/ Software & MultiMedia developer