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Short:HousePool - german House/Techno Magazine
Author:HousePool Media International
Download:mags/hpool/hp01.lha - View contents

  HOUSEPOOL Issue 1 (May/June 1995)
  HousePool is an interactive House- & Techno-Magazine.
  It covers Dancefloor, House, Acid, Trance, Techno,
  Rave, Hardcore, Gabber, Jungle, Cosmic,... and all
  the other stuff.

  HousePool is released every month in GERMAN language.

  It is an AmigaGuide-File and so it needs an Amiga.
  A converted Version of HousePool is available in July
  for all Personal Computer Systems (Amiga, PC, Mac).

  - Reports
  - Background-Stories
  - Dossiers
  - Club addresses & guides
  - Portraits of Label, Record-Shops & Personalities
  - VIVA-TV-Housefrau Review, News
  - Song-Modules (MED,OMED,MOD) NEW STUFF & RMXs
  - real interactivity
  - and much more...

Listing of archive 'HousePl1.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   26742   16022 40.0% 13-May-95 15:43:38  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/AUFBRUCH.ilbm
   56436   30320 46.2% 14-May-95 15:03:00  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/AUSVERKAUF.ilbm
   44870   26778 40.3% 14-May-95 15:07:40  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/EDITORIAL.ilbm
   93694   50447 46.1% 13-May-95 16:53:14  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/FANTASTIC_OR_FANATIC.ilbm
  108006   27879 74.1% 08-May-95 19:03:50  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/HOUSEPOOL.anim
   25042   10768 57.0% 15-May-95 18:22:40  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/Intoleranz.ilbm
   30572   20052 34.4% 13-May-95 16:03:02  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/KOMMERZ_UNDERGROUND.ilbm
   67272   39217 41.7% 14-May-95 15:23:16  HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/SATIRE_TRIP.ilbm
  319020  189966 40.4% 14-May-95 21:26:44  HousePool_01/HP_01-Songs/MMD1.Bonzai_Warrior
  269202  163202 39.3% 01-Jun-95 18:09:14  HousePool_01/HP_01-Songs/MMD1.HouseBeat_Edit
  232844  143140 38.5% 14-May-95 21:25:30  HousePool_01/HP_01-Songs/MMD1.The_HousePool-Anthem
    1968    1071 45.5% 15-May-95 21:45:36  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Club_ADRESSEN
     786     439 44.1% 07-May-95 18:24:42  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_07.04.95
     695     398 42.7% 14-May-95 22:45:08  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_14.04.95
     617     356 42.3% 07-May-95 22:49:26  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_21.04.95
     716     425 40.6% 07-May-95 22:49:42  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_31.03.95
    9756    3103 68.1% 08-May-95 22:09:56  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Party_DATES
   10469    4551 56.5% 15-May-95 21:20:58  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Record-Art_Plattentips
    2148    1105 48.5% 15-May-95 21:39:54  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Shapes_1
    2319    1174 49.3% 15-May-95 21:41:42  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Shapes_2
    1938    1034 46.6% 15-May-95 21:42:04  HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Shapes_3
     848     503 40.6% 30-May-95 16:55:14  HousePool_01/HousePl1.ReadMe
     291     196 32.6% 16-May-95 10:34:22  HousePool_01/HousePool_01-StartMe!
     408     408  0.0% 01-Jun-95 18:35:04  HousePool_01/HousePool_01-StartMe!.info
   42218   16161 61.7% 01-Jun-95 18:20:52  HousePool_01/
     512     512  0.0% 01-Jun-95 18:35:02  HousePool_01/
   19508   19142  1.8% 14-May-95 22:41:36  HousePool_01/omp
    7952    4399 44.6% 15-May-95 19:48:02  HousePool_01/ppguide
   66088   38411 41.8% 16-May-95 10:37:04  HousePool_01/ppshow
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1442937  811179 43.7% 01-Jun-95 19:13:08   29 files

Operation successful.

Contents of mags/hpool/hp01.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                16022   26742  59.9% -lh5- 24d2 May 13  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/AUFBRUCH.ilbm
[generic]                30320   56436  53.7% -lh5- e7d1 May 14  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/AUSVERKAUF.ilbm
[generic]                26778   44870  59.7% -lh5- 144b May 14  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/EDITORIAL.ilbm
[generic]                50447   93694  53.8% -lh5- 9855 May 13  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/FANTASTIC_OR_FANATIC.ilbm
[generic]                27879  108006  25.8% -lh5- 009a May  8  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/HOUSEPOOL.anim
[generic]                10768   25042  43.0% -lh5- d120 May 15  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/Intoleranz.ilbm
[generic]                20052   30572  65.6% -lh5- 9f23 May 13  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/KOMMERZ_UNDERGROUND.ilbm
[generic]                39217   67272  58.3% -lh5- 2b2c May 14  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Bilder/SATIRE_TRIP.ilbm
[generic]               189966  319020  59.5% -lh5- 4688 May 14  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Songs/MMD1.Bonzai_Warrior
[generic]               163202  269202  60.6% -lh5- 44b3 Jun  1  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Songs/MMD1.HouseBeat_Edit
[generic]               143140  232844  61.5% -lh5- 9ce9 May 14  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Songs/MMD1.The_HousePool-Anthem
[generic]                 1071    1968  54.4% -lh5- 9c96 May 15  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Club_ADRESSEN
[generic]                  439     786  55.9% -lh5- 3d9c May  7  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_07.04.95
[generic]                  398     695  57.3% -lh5- 74c9 May 14  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_14.04.95
[generic]                  356     617  57.7% -lh5- 4374 May  7  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_21.04.95
[generic]                  425     716  59.4% -lh5- 00e0 May  7  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/HF_Review_31.03.95
[generic]                 3103    9756  31.8% -lh5- 30a2 May  8  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Party_DATES
[generic]                 4551   10469  43.5% -lh5- 0d7f May 15  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Record-Art_Plattentips
[generic]                 1105    2148  51.4% -lh5- e88a May 15  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Shapes_1
[generic]                 1174    2319  50.6% -lh5- bf1c May 15  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Shapes_2
[generic]                 1034    1938  53.4% -lh5- 2aed May 15  1995 HousePool_01/HP_01-Texte/Shapes_3
[generic]                  503     848  59.3% -lh5- 6cda May 30  1995 HousePool_01/HousePl1.ReadMe
[generic]                  196     291  67.4% -lh5- 8617 May 16  1995 HousePool_01/HousePool_01-StartMe!
[generic]                  408     408 100.0% -lh0- 6827 Jun  1  1995 HousePool_01/HousePool_01-StartMe!.info
[generic]                16161   42218  38.3% -lh5- 0267 Jun  1  1995 HousePool_01/
[generic]                  512     512 100.0% -lh0- 6045 Jun  1  1995 HousePool_01/
[generic]                19142   19508  98.1% -lh5- 8a8e May 14  1995 HousePool_01/omp
[generic]                 4399    7952  55.3% -lh5- 022b May 15  1995 HousePool_01/ppguide
[generic]                38411   66088  58.1% -lh5- b42e May 16  1995 HousePool_01/ppshow
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        29 files  811179 1442937  56.2%            Jul 14  1995
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