Port by DJBase - More stuff available at http://www.amigaworld.de
Variations on Rockdodger 0.5.3
VoR is a quick action game where you drive a space ship and try to avoid
crashing into rocks. Current information about vor can be found on the
homepage: http://jasonwoof.org/vor
See INSTALL for instructions on building, running and installing.
VoR is released under the GNU GPL -- see file COPYING for details.
Jason Woofenden and Josh Grams like Rock Dodgers
(http://spacerocks.sourceforge.net/) very much: both playing it and hacking on
it. VoR is the result. It is currently based on the rockdodger 0.4.2 codebase,
with quite a few modifications, both user-visible changes and internal
technical improvements.
Available for download from http://qualdan.com/vor/
Note: This is a fairly hard game, intended to be a quickie game for when you
want to kill a few spare minutes. For reference, my best time [Josh Grams] is
about 2 minutes in version 0.3. I'm not generally very good at video games, but
I have been playing this one for quite a while now. |