SmurfHunt v1.1 - by Pat Carson (a.k.a. Vision)
This is Freeware. Run it, copy it, delete it, smash it, ritually
sacrifice it, whatever. (Who'd pay $$$ for this???)
You need 5 Meg to run this game... NOT!! SEUCK runs at 512k, I believe..
You also need an Amiga. If ya don't have one, tuff rocks...
This game was created using Shoot Em Up Construction Kit, a nice tool for
creating mindless violence. It'd be nice if there was a deluxe, Amiga
specific version (To Avantage/Accolade: Hint, Hint!)
This game is based on drawings done by a certain Jim Groat, and I dedicate
this game to him and Furries everywhere.
Kill Smurfs! (Ya had to ask???)
Manipulate your wolf character thru Smurf forest, into Smurf Village, and
to the final battle at Papa Smurf's house. Blast smurfs with yer 12 guage
shotgun or just step on 'em. Most smurfs just run around in terror, but
some throw/shoot things at ya. Score values are on the startup screen.
Pick up Dollar bills and gold bars along the way (Don't ask me how they
got there..) Just don't open any presents... It's a bad Idea..
Watch out for rolling boulders, too...
This game features the ubiquitous Dumb Stupid Bonus Stage(TM).
Comments, praises, flames, suggestions, beer, or $$$(ya, right):
Internet: vision@control.Spies.COM
or (only if the first one doesn't werk.)
U.S. Snail: Pat Carson
1922 Colusa Wy.
San Jose, CA 95130
Smurfs are (C) Peyo
Have fun!
(Peyo... Is that as in peyote? That would explain a lot... :) |