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Short:Random Shooter - A small shooter
Author:Parallel Realities, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / PFP
Uploader:Varthall / Up Rough <varti02 hotpop com>
Download:game/shoot/randomshooter-os4.lha - View contents

                      O    O                        O      O
                  o           o                  o             o
                 o             .               .                o
                   .                  .____.        _______   .
._______________________.___________  |    |__   .__\__.   \  ____.___________.
|     __     /   ___    |    __    /__|___ __/___|__ _ |  \ \|    |     __    |
|    |_/    /    \_|    |    |/   /   ___/ |     __//  |___\      |    |_/    |
|    ______/|___________|____|\_______|__________|_____|    \_____|_____      |
|____|                                                              /_________|
                                     F O R                 .____.
      .________________________ _____________._____________|    |__ 
      |     __     /   __     /_\     __     |    ____/____)    __/______
      |    |_/    /    |/    /   \    \_|    |    __/ |    |    |_/     /       
 .   |    ______/_____|\_________\__________|    |   |____|___________/    .    
    |____|                                 |____|
 o                       .                              .                    o
  o                    o         P R E S E N T S          o                 o
         O        O               RANDOM SHOOTER                O       O

                         PORTED BY .................... SPOT
                         SUPPLIED BY .................. SPOT
                         TYPE ......................... GAME
                         REQUIRES ...................... SDL
                         AUTHOR(S) ...... PARALLEL REALITIES

                      UPDATE: REMOVED THE NEED FOR USR: and ETC:
                              THANX TO K-L FOR THE REPORT!


Destroy as many enemies as possible to get a highscore.


You have 1 life. A single hit from a bullet or enemy will kill you.


Destroying an enemy will net you a small number of points. Sometimes an
enemy will drop a coin, collecting it will give you 5 times the score
that the enemy was worth. The coins don't stay on the screen for very
long though, so collect them quick! Every enemy that gets past you will
cause you to LOSE points to the value of that enemy.


The default controls are the arrow keys to move and Left Control to
fire. P will pause the game. You can redefine the keys from the main

Replay Files

Replay files are automatically created and are stored in the
.parallelrealities/randomshooter directory. They are named replay00x.dat
where x is the number of the replay. You can replay these files by running
Random Shooter from the commandline:

shooter -playback <replayfile>

where <replayfile> is the complete path to the replay file.

Online Scores

If you want to submit a score to be added to the online scoreboard, you
will need to supply a replay file. Compress the replay file (zip etc.) and
use the upload facility on the Parallel Realities site to send in your
replay. Once it has been verified then your score will be added to the
highscore table.

Score Verification

Your replay will only be valid if it meets the following condition: it
MUST playback correctly when run using the binary from the Parallel
Realities site. Replays from custom builds won't be accepted. If your
platform is not supported, contact Parallel Realities to have it added
to the list of binaries.

Contents of game/shoot/randomshooter-os4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   27      36  75.0% -lh5- 34a0 Mar  3 22:56 Random_Shooter/data/config.dat
[generic]                  298    1700  17.5% -lh5- e03c Mar  3 22:56 Random_Shooter/data/highscores.dat
[generic]                   42    2040   2.1% -lh5- 005f Feb 28 19:30 Random_Shooter/data/replay001.dat
[generic]                26013   55100  47.2% -lh5- 1cf2 Jun 29  2005 Random_Shooter/font/blackWolf.ttf
[generic]                 1559    1559 100.0% -lh0- 7dcf Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0009.png
[generic]                  855    1694  50.5% -lh5- 1400 Feb 25 19:56 Random_Shooter/help/help.txt
[generic]               266743  395666  67.4% -lh5- 0979 Jul  5  1998 Random_Shooter/music/17.mod
[generic]                 1290    3503  36.8% -lh5- 16c0 Mar  3 22:58 Random_Shooter/pfp-rdsr.nfo
[generic]                 8667    9854  88.0% -lh5- 39ca Feb 11 04:25 Random_Shooter/
[generic]                40941   42518  96.3% -lh5- a494 Feb 28 20:46 Random_Shooter/pfp.exe
[generic]                  117     189  61.9% -lh5- 117d Mar  3 22:56 Random_Shooter/Random_Shooter
[generic]               681247  681247 100.0% -lh0- 60ee Feb 28 20:55 Random_Shooter/Random_Shooter.exe
[generic]                 8665    9850  88.0% -lh5- e06f Feb 11 04:25 Random_Shooter/
[generic]                  193     193 100.0% -lh0- 3420 Feb 23 19:37 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_bullet0001.png
[generic]                 1603    1603 100.0% -lh0- e55a Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0001.png
[generic]                 1578    1578 100.0% -lh0- 694d Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0002.png
[generic]                 1591    1591 100.0% -lh0- 148c Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0003.png
[generic]                 1589    1589 100.0% -lh0- ac42 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0004.png
[generic]                 1577    1577 100.0% -lh0- 35d9 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0005.png
[generic]                 1566    1566 100.0% -lh0- 8ac9 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0006.png
[generic]                 1586    1586 100.0% -lh0- 08ac Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0007.png
[generic]                 1572    1572 100.0% -lh0- d4d3 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0008.png
[generic]                 1518    1518 100.0% -lh0- 6edd Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0004.png
[generic]                 1422    1422 100.0% -lh0- 405e Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0005.png
[generic]                 1587    1587 100.0% -lh0- 41fc Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0010.png
[generic]                 1584    1584 100.0% -lh0- 2c98 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0011.png
[generic]                 1593    1593 100.0% -lh0- b504 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0012.png
[generic]                 1570    1570 100.0% -lh0- 3d34 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0013.png
[generic]                 1581    1581 100.0% -lh0- f4e3 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0014.png
[generic]                 1585    1585 100.0% -lh0- 93a5 Feb 22 09:15 Random_Shooter/gfx/enemy_frame0015.png
[generic]                 1225    1225 100.0% -lh0- 716a Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0001.png
[generic]                 1225    1225 100.0% -lh0- 716a Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0002.png
[generic]                 1498    1498 100.0% -lh0- cd2a Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0003.png
[generic]                 1432    1432 100.0% -lh0- 085d Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0015.png
[generic]                  439     439 100.0% -lh0- 71ec Feb 26 19:26 Random_Shooter/gfx/player0001.png
[generic]                 1531    1531 100.0% -lh0- 1393 Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0006.png
[generic]                 1497    1497 100.0% -lh0- 4cbc Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0007.png
[generic]                 1219    1219 100.0% -lh0- 52aa Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0008.png
[generic]                 1419    1419 100.0% -lh0- 3ef2 Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0009.png
[generic]                 1513    1513 100.0% -lh0- 945b Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0010.png
[generic]                 1501    1501 100.0% -lh0- 4575 Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0011.png
[generic]                 1429    1429 100.0% -lh0- 7975 Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0012.png
[generic]                 1520    1520 100.0% -lh0- 6d60 Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0013.png
[generic]                 1517    1517 100.0% -lh0- 9167 Feb 19 23:28 Random_Shooter/gfx/menu_ball0014.png
[generic]                  533     533 100.0% -lh0- c479 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0008.png
[generic]                  523     523 100.0% -lh0- e853 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0009.png
[generic]                  234     234 100.0% -lh0- 0f05 Feb 26 19:30 Random_Shooter/gfx/player_bullet0001.png
[generic]                  270     270 100.0% -lh0- c5d8 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0001.png
[generic]                  258     258 100.0% -lh0- a942 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0002.png
[generic]                  300     300 100.0% -lh0- f5db Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0003.png
[generic]                  323     323 100.0% -lh0- 10b6 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0004.png
[generic]                  368     368 100.0% -lh0- 00aa Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0005.png
[generic]                  403     403 100.0% -lh0- df52 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0006.png
[generic]                  505     505 100.0% -lh0- 02f6 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0007.png
[generic]                  295     295 100.0% -lh0- fb89 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0014.png
[generic]                  252     252 100.0% -lh0- 3806 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0015.png
[generic]                  180     504  35.7% -lh5- 12e2 Feb 28 20:49 file_id.diz
[generic]                 5265    6206  84.8% -lh5- 2272 Feb 11 04:25
[generic]                  499     499 100.0% -lh0- 1df6 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0010.png
[generic]                  394     394 100.0% -lh0- 0ff7 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0011.png
[generic]                  365     365 100.0% -lh0- a7da Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0012.png
[generic]                  319     319 100.0% -lh0- 1c79 Feb 19 00:24 Random_Shooter/gfx/points_frame0013.png
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        62 files 1092010 1261767  86.5%            Mar  5 07:32
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