84783 packages online
game/shoot/ncfighter_68k.lha |
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This game has been converted to SDL/pdcurses.
See the following URL for SDL requirements:-
This is the most impressive ncurses based shooter I have ever seen.
It even has Power-Ups and was done by a kid of only 13 years of age.
I was not able to locate the original web site so the source was obtained
from here:-
Power-Up Packs are as follows:-
*H* - health
*A* - armour
*S* - new ship
*W* - new weapon ( color means type )
There are two levels. You must destroy boss ship twice to win the game.
Boss ship shows him self when a certain number of hits is reached.
Feeling bored ? :)
Why not check out this URL ?
Contents of game/shoot/ncfighter_68k.lha
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