A cool shoot'em up reminscent of ROX.
This one places the emphasis on enemies, which have some rudimentary AI.
The objective of the game is to stay alive, avoiding rocks and bullets.
The aliens get hit by both your bullets and rocks, and they try to avoid those.:)
You can destroy GREY rocks.
YELLOW rocks are indestructible by bullets
(contact with aliens or you destroys them though)
DO NOT use AUTOFIRE for this game.
Instead, collect the following bonuses.
R: Increase firing rate
S: Increase bullet speed
P: Increase number of bullets
A: Increase ammo
Some rocks are points bonuses and can be collected.
You will have to learn to distinguish between them and real rocks :)
You loose ONE unit of ammo everytime you fire - it doesnt matter how many bullets
you shoot each time, so collect Ps instead of Rs in order to econimise on ammo.
Also, the maximum number of bullets on screen is limited, so collecting
S bonuses IS important.
You get an extra life every 1000000 points
Press fire to play.
To QUIT, press left mouse button DURING THE GAME
Olethros, 1997