84783 packages online
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
43 43 0.0% 16-Feb-80 15:57:42 +ElCaracho
11368 9489 16.5% 16-Feb-80 16:02:14 +FX_1
6376 4471 29.8% 16-Feb-80 16:02:08 +FX_2
12206 8156 33.1% 16-Feb-80 16:02:06 +FX_3
10262 8581 16.3% 16-Feb-80 16:02:02 +FX_4
6830 5021 26.4% 16-Feb-80 16:02:00 +FX_5
11368 9489 16.5% 16-Feb-80 16:02:14 +FX_1
6376 4471 29.8% 16-Feb-80 16:02:08 +FX_2
12206 8156 33.1% 16-Feb-80 16:02:06 +FX_3
10262 8581 16.3% 16-Feb-80 16:02:02 +FX_4
6830 5021 26.4% 16-Feb-80 16:02:00 +FX_5
141204 95422 32.4% 02-Sep-92 12:43:20 +Intro
91548 24919 72.7% 02-Sep-92 12:34:26 +Lemmingoids
8642 3588 58.4% 16-Feb-80 16:00:56 +Lemmings.Shape.Amiga
8546 4886 42.8% 16-Feb-80 16:01:02 +Lemmings.Shape.Asteroids
8356 3331 60.1% 16-Feb-80 16:01:10 +Lemmings.Shape.Horror1
10194 5929 41.8% 16-Feb-80 16:01:06 +Lemmings.Shape.Horror2
8638 4120 52.3% 16-Feb-80 16:01:52 +Lemmings.Shape.Lemmings1
9164 4596 49.8% 16-Feb-80 16:01:48 +Lemmings.Shape.Lemmings2
9164 4596 49.8% 16-Feb-80 16:00:46 +Lemmings.Shape.Pic
9160 3705 59.5% 16-Feb-80 16:00:54 +Lemmings.Shape.Raucher
17234 15291 11.2% 16-Feb-80 16:01:32 +Lemmings.snd.BShip
27786 11629 58.1% 16-Feb-80 16:00:44 +Lemmings.snd.ExtraShip
4322 3800 12.0% 16-Feb-80 16:01:42 +Lemmings.snd.Fire
27690 23101 16.5% 16-Feb-80 16:01:40 +Lemmings.snd.GameOver
9914 8398 15.2% 16-Feb-80 16:01:22 +Lemmings.snd.Lem_Expl
9966 8259 17.1% 16-Feb-80 16:00:50 +Lemmings.snd.LShip
5986 3777 36.9% 16-Feb-80 16:01:26 +Lemmings.snd.Ship_Bump
9506 9188 3.3% 16-Feb-80 16:01:56 +Lemmings.snd.Ship_Expl
15626 13342 14.6% 16-Feb-80 16:01:18 +Lemmings.snd.Trush
721 305 57.6% 02-Sep-92 12:39:06 +LemmingScore.tab
232 139 40.0% 16-Feb-80 16:00:12 +normal.system-configuration
8032 4230 47.3% 16-Feb-80 15:57:34 +Play
9456 4394 53.5% 19-Jan-80 02:25:18 +runit
884 600 32.1% 16-Feb-80 15:57:26 +SetSys-Config
2112 1290 38.9% 16-Feb-80 15:57:30 +Type
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
548210 334314 39.0% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 36 files
Contents of game/shoot/Lemmingoids2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 43 43 100.0% -lh0- 7280 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/ElCaracho
[generic] 9489 11368 83.5% -lh5- 6c77 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/FX_1
[generic] 4471 6376 70.1% -lh5- 4498 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/FX_2
[generic] 8156 12206 66.8% -lh5- 1f5e Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/FX_3
[generic] 8581 10262 83.6% -lh5- b769 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/FX_4
[generic] 5021 6830 73.5% -lh5- 5c9b Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/FX_5
[generic] 9489 11368 83.5% -lh5- 6c77 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/INTRO/FX_1
[generic] 4471 6376 70.1% -lh5- 4498 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/INTRO/FX_2
[generic] 8156 12206 66.8% -lh5- 1f5e Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/INTRO/FX_3
[generic] 8581 10262 83.6% -lh5- b769 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/INTRO/FX_4
[generic] 5021 6830 73.5% -lh5- 5c9b Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/INTRO/FX_5
[generic] 95422 141204 67.6% -lh5- 053c Sep 2 1992 Lemmingoids2/INTRO/Intro
[generic] 24919 91548 27.2% -lh5- d2a9 Sep 2 1992 Lemmingoids2/Lemmingoids
[generic] 3588 8642 41.5% -lh5- 3701 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Amiga
[generic] 4886 8546 57.2% -lh5- b6e5 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Asteroids
[generic] 3331 8356 39.9% -lh5- f91c Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Horror1
[generic] 5929 10194 58.2% -lh5- a51f Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Horror2
[generic] 4120 8638 47.7% -lh5- a0aa Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Lemmings1
[generic] 4596 9164 50.2% -lh5- cae5 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Lemmings2
[generic] 4596 9164 50.2% -lh5- cae5 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Pic
[generic] 3705 9160 40.4% -lh5- 1b30 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.Shape.Raucher
[generic] 15291 17234 88.7% -lh5- 221f Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.BShip
[generic] 11629 27786 41.9% -lh5- 6e25 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.ExtraShip
[generic] 3800 4322 87.9% -lh5- 93db Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.Fire
[generic] 23101 27690 83.4% -lh5- 0652 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.GameOver
[generic] 8398 9914 84.7% -lh5- d45e Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.Lem_Expl
[generic] 8259 9966 82.9% -lh5- 585a Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.LShip
[generic] 3777 5986 63.1% -lh5- 0fa8 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.Ship_Bump
[generic] 9188 9506 96.7% -lh5- 7241 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.Ship_Expl
[generic] 13342 15626 85.4% -lh5- 296c Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Lemmings.snd.Trush
[generic] 305 721 42.3% -lh5- be4a Sep 2 1992 Lemmingoids2/LemmingScore.tab
[generic] 139 232 59.9% -lh5- 09fe Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/normal.system-configuration
[generic] 4230 8032 52.7% -lh5- ad2f Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Play
[generic] 4394 9456 46.5% -lh5- 07a8 Jan 19 1980 Lemmingoids2/runit
[generic] 600 884 67.9% -lh5- 7b3b Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/SetSys-Config
[generic] 1290 2112 61.1% -lh5- 4224 Feb 16 1980 Lemmingoids2/Type
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 36 files 334314 548210 61.0% Sep 2 1995
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