This is a MorphOS version of UHexen2 - Hammer of Thyrion. It's a port
of SDL version by Ozkan Sezer and Steve Atkinson with additions and
enchancements. It requires graphics board with working 3d drivers,
tinygl.library and powersdl.library by Ilkka Lehtoranta.
You will need 2 files from original game. pak0.pak and pak1.pak.
Copy them to data1/ directory. After that, to ensure you have
right version start Update script.
To enabled colored lighting download Colored Lighting files from
http://jurajstyk.host.sk/download.htm, extract and copy all .lit
files to data1/maps directory.
Easiest way is to launch Hexen2 starter app which will allow to setup
most params for You. IF You want to run it by yourself, then here are
available params:
-width : display width
-height : display height
-bpp : display depth (16 or 32)
-f : fullscreen mode
-lm_4 : enabled colored lighting if required datafiles are available
-sdlsnd : enables sound
-gamma : brightness control. values > 1.0 make it brighter.
Hexen2 is released on GPL Licence and source are available from me
on request.
Michal 'kiero' Wozniak