- Added some further changes to the bots.
AssaultCube Reloaded is a FREE, multiplayer, first-person shooter game, based on
the CUBE engine.
- New (and recycled) features:
- New overload mode: destroy the enemy base
- New void mutator: different rendering effects
- 3 new "pro" weapons for pros (harder kills but double points and higher count for killstreaks)
- HUD waypoints with "world to screen" functions
- Player nametags (visible teammates and current target) and grenade timers (vision perk)
- Grenade throw timer
- [ACR 2.5.2] Zombie nade fun
- F3 to rescind votes
- Hide shotlines in hardcore, and hide local shotlines in classic
- H = /quickknifethrow and Q = /quickknife (use /resetbinds if necessary)
- More UI options: /spectatebots [ACR 2.5.5], /waypointsize, /nametagfade
- Typing indicator [ACR 2.5.8] but done more efficiently
- Scoreboard ranking [ACR 2.5]
- Increased time for recent scopes (from 300ms to 750ms)
- Still show older/newer/modded servers in serverbrowser
- Fake red dot from ACR 2.5.9 (to enable, use /crosshairreddotsize 15)
- Allow /maxroll 45
- Server owners can set bot limit, which increased to 64 by default
- Log bot owner numbers
- Server-configurable weapon stats [ACR 2.6]
- New master-server protocol with better auth security and more IPv6 preparations (ACR supports only IPv4 but maps a.b.c.d to ::ffff:a.b.c.d)
- Fix memory handling issues (overreads, memory leaks) and infinite loops (some inherited from AssaultCube)
- Fix major server crash when reconnecting
- AI Improvements (bots try to capture the enemy flag in CTF)
- DPI issue fix (with dpiAware in manifest.xml)
- Fix drowning when standing in water
- Fix throwing knives (when they hit)
- Delete grenades and knives when the arena round starts
- Hide dead AI zombies from scoreboard
- Fix progressive zombie spawning
- Add sanity check for maprot mode/mutator
- Restore "Bot control" and "kick/ban" in multiplayer menu
- Fix classic modes in menu
- Fix thirdperson sound location
- Fix issue with stuff beyond far end of fog
- Fix color in MOTD