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Welcome to the Age Of Rock v1.3!
- The whole thing is FREEWARE
- Up to 3 players simultaneously
- Tested on A2000 and A1200
- Compatible with OS1.3 to OS3.1
Shoot your gun at those rocks coming down.
Complete them to a rectangle and make them disappear
before they hit the ground.
Cycle the colour of your ship to match the rocks colour.
'The Age of Rock' is an action-game for up to 3 Players. You must shoot
with stones at blocks to complete them to a rectangle. If the blocks are
rectangelous, they'll disappear and leave you some points. The bigger the
blocks are, the more points you get. But the blocks are coming nearer to
the bottom. If they reach you, you'll die. And the blocks are even more
mean. They might come along in 4 different colours. Grey means, you can
shoot at them everytime. But red, blue or green blocks can only be shot by
ships with the same colour. You cycle your ship-colour by joystick-up. If
you get the feeling, the task is too easy for you, well, joystick-down
increases the falling speed of blocks and gets you some extrapoints.
Andreas Spreen
Mail: andi@c-lab.de
Web: http://www.c-lab.de/~andi
My other games on Aminet:
- SpaceTaxi v3.0 game/misc/spacetaxi3.lha
Hey Taxi! Pick up those tiny men and bring them to another pad.
- RushHour v1.5 game/misc/rushhour15.lha
Switch the traffic-lights and keep the cars running.
- Fleuch v3.0 game/shoot/Fleuch.lha
Thrust-clone, fly through scrolling levels, shoot cannons, pick-up cargo
Original game by Karsten Goetze.
Contents of game/shoot/AgeOfRock.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 739 1620 45.6% -lh5- f330 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock.info
[generic] 77 129 59.7% -lh5- 07a3 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/AOR
[generic] 1757 4943 35.5% -lh5- 7d77 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/AOR.Doc
[generic] 1167 1669 69.9% -lh5- 31eb Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/AOR.Doc.info
[generic] 2422 6397 37.9% -lh5- cf29 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/AOR.Dok
[generic] 1170 1669 70.1% -lh5- 7ba3 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/AOR.Dok.info
[generic] 37969 82744 45.9% -lh5- dab0 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/AOR.game
[generic] 723 1574 45.9% -lh5- ec1a Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/AOR.info
[generic] 45684 45684 100.0% -lh0- f3ad Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/bs
[generic] 152 960 15.8% -lh5- 1d4e Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/hs
[generic] 602 608 99.0% -lh5- 9597 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/la0
[generic] 614 632 97.2% -lh5- 4ee0 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/la1
[generic] 808 824 98.1% -lh5- 463f Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/la2
[generic] 812 812 100.0% -lh0- 3201 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/la3
[generic] 524 528 99.2% -lh5- 4e44 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/la4
[generic] 494 516 95.7% -lh5- 57ea Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/la5
[generic] 481 496 97.0% -lh5- d4c5 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lb0
[generic] 436 456 95.6% -lh5- c9f1 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lb1
[generic] 506 512 98.8% -lh5- 70c4 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lb2
[generic] 523 532 98.3% -lh5- cd8c Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lb3
[generic] 461 472 97.7% -lh5- 380e Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lb4
[generic] 542 556 97.5% -lh5- fdb3 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lb5
[generic] 420 448 93.8% -lh5- 6c54 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lc0
[generic] 431 448 96.2% -lh5- 8f2e Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lc1
[generic] 476 480 99.2% -lh5- 335e Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lc2
[generic] 523 532 98.3% -lh5- 3229 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lc3
[generic] 668 680 98.2% -lh5- d355 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lc4
[generic] 802 804 99.8% -lh5- d156 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/lc5
[generic] 601 608 98.8% -lh5- bb71 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/ld0
[generic] 614 632 97.2% -lh5- 8edd Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/ld1
[generic] 808 824 98.1% -lh5- 46b7 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/ld2
[generic] 812 812 100.0% -lh0- 57e7 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/ld3
[generic] 972 972 100.0% -lh0- 0e17 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/ld4
[generic] 1108 1108 100.0% -lh0- ba30 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/ld5
[generic] 490 496 98.8% -lh5- f4d6 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/le0
[generic] 537 540 99.4% -lh5- 2947 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/le1
[generic] 621 628 98.9% -lh5- 85d6 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/le2
[generic] 856 856 100.0% -lh0- 4987 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/le3
[generic] 840 840 100.0% -lh0- 8498 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/le4
[generic] 636 660 96.4% -lh5- 26cd Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/le5
[generic] 13 13 100.0% -lh0- bb6a Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/ls
[generic] 6 6 100.0% -lh0- 8e01 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/pref
[generic] 32792 32792 100.0% -lh0- e9ba Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/data/sn
[generic] 25 264 9.5% -lh5- a918 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/fonts/aor.font
[generic] 2312 4536 51.0% -lh5- d09e Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/fonts/aor/15
[generic] 41 524 7.8% -lh5- ea06 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/fonts/aor2.font
[generic] 2682 5732 46.8% -lh5- 9231 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/fonts/aor2/16
[generic] 1219 2052 59.4% -lh5- af2b Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/fonts/aor2/8
[generic] 9707 10036 96.7% -lh5- 5863 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/background
[generic] 8713 8988 96.9% -lh5- 16ea Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/blenditems
[generic] 2383 2472 96.4% -lh5- e4b1 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/bloecke
[generic] 3088 3148 98.1% -lh5- 6c2a Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/con
[generic] 1506 1516 99.3% -lh5- 498a Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/font
[generic] 2529 2544 99.4% -lh5- a5ab Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/leveldone
[generic] 13111 13428 97.6% -lh5- 8b48 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/nt.bild
[generic] 14879 15216 97.8% -lh5- 2b88 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/oberblock1
[generic] 7065 7236 97.6% -lh5- 6b2e Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/titleitems
[generic] 13084 13500 96.9% -lh5- bfd3 Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/gfx/titlepic
[generic] 4144 6128 67.6% -lh5- 3ddb Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/libs/powerpacker.library
[generic] 12165 18436 66.0% -lh5- 963f Nov 22 1997 AgeOfRock/libs/req.library
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 60 files 242342 315268 76.9% Nov 25 1997
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