84782 packages online
dev/misc/AmigaOS_guides.lha |
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This archive contains autodocs of AmigaOS v3.1 transformed into
amigaguide format (with links to files in include: directory) and
then severely beautified.
All those distracting NAME,FUNCTION,INPUT,RETURN,... words from
the autodocs files were replaced with nice text formating atributes
(bold, italic, underlined, colors).Main page was added and library
functions were sorted acording to their purpose.So many (unnecessary)
blank lines were striped to enable more text to fit onto a single
page.It is much more readable this way, I think.
Text itself, however, was NOT changed, and it still contains all
the information presented in the originating autodocs files.Only
it's readability has been enhanced.
Still missing:
- cd.device & printer.device (maybe I'll do them as well eventually).
- math libraries
- file classes.guide also contains documentation for
-listview.gadget,progress.gadget,smartbitmap.image (GadtoolsBox3)
-textfield.gadget (Aminet:dev/gui)
-gauge.gadget (Aminet:dev/gui)
which are the third party software and not part of AmigaOS v3.1.
Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
79878 21141 73.5% 05-Jul-00 00:25:02 +amiga_lib.guide
122400 34546 71.7% 28-Sep-02 20:13:50 +classes.guide
190098 44676 76.4% 26-Sep-02 02:47:38 +devices.guide
233274 61884 73.4% 30-Dec-00 17:34:26 +graphics.guide
6891 2545 63.0% 03-Mar-01 21:30:44 +handlers.guide
230691 56930 75.3% 27-Feb-01 01:28:04 +libs0.guide
206688 51208 75.2% 03-Mar-01 21:25:42 +libs1.guide
117262 29539 74.8% 03-Mar-01 18:45:52 +libs2.guide
73713 21697 70.5% 26-Sep-02 03:16:38 +resources.guide
218529 60550 72.2% 01-Mar-01 20:53:26 +dos.guide
192828 57454 70.2% 05-Jul-00 00:25:32 +exec.guide
334698 100985 69.8% 01-Mar-01 11:55:46 +intuition.guide
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
2006950 543155 72.9% 28-Sep-102 21:38:26 12 files
Operation successful.
Contents of dev/misc/AmigaOS_guides.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 21141 79878 26.5% -lh5- 2b70 Jul 5 2000 help2/amiga_lib.guide
[generic] 34546 122400 28.2% -lh5- 74b4 Sep 28 2002 help2/classes.guide
[generic] 44676 190098 23.5% -lh5- 913b Sep 26 2002 help2/devices.guide
[generic] 61884 233274 26.5% -lh5- fe28 Dec 30 2000 help2/graphics.guide
[generic] 2545 6891 36.9% -lh5- 54c8 Mar 3 2001 help2/handlers.guide
[generic] 56930 230691 24.7% -lh5- 8695 Feb 27 2001 help2/libs0.guide
[generic] 51208 206688 24.8% -lh5- 4c74 Mar 3 2001 help2/libs1.guide
[generic] 29539 117262 25.2% -lh5- 6331 Mar 3 2001 help2/libs2.guide
[generic] 21697 73713 29.4% -lh5- 3c5a Sep 26 2002 help2/resources.guide
[generic] 60550 218529 27.7% -lh5- a446 Mar 1 2001 help2/dos.guide
[generic] 57454 192828 29.8% -lh5- ce64 Jul 5 2000 help2/exec.guide
[generic] 100985 334698 30.2% -lh5- 68ca Mar 1 2001 help2/intuition.guide
[generic] 1243 2347 53.0% -lh5- 0881 Sep 28 2002 help2/AmigaOS_guides.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 544398 2009297 27.1% Oct 11 2002
Page generated in 0.02 seconds |
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Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |