Short:        Defender, like the arcade
Uploader:     xs nil student uni-tuebingen de
Type:         game/shoot
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


   *   Defender (this version) has been written by Giles.F.McArdell   *
   *             The code & graphics are his copyright                *
   *                 unless otherwise authorised.                     *
   *                                                                  *
   *            Amiga Defender is not PD, it IS shareware.            *
   *    Help Keep the Amiga dream alive by supporting its coders.     *
   *                                                                  *

   Shareware Notice.
   Amiga Defender is SHAREWARE, this means that if you like the game, or
   if you intend to continue using it, you should send a contribution to
   the author ( £5 UK dosh should do it). This will show your appreciation
   and increase the likelyhood of further great software being created.
   Any comments or suggestions you may have on the game would also be very

   Not just another Defender clone but THE MOST ARCADE ACCURATE version
   to appear on the Amiga  so far (or any other computer I believe).

    *Graphics Drawn & redrawn until almost indistinguishable from the
    *Digitised SFX from the arcade machine.
    *You ships 'feel' tweaked until it plays RIGHT.
    *All the origional baddies, all doing what they're supposed to.
    *Configurable Keyboard control or Joystick control.
    *All time great scores and keyboard setup saved to disk.