Short:        Platformer/shoot'em-up.Giftware.
Author:       Emilio Perez (On The Dole Software)
Uploader:     Emilio Perez (GoinMobile Zworg Com)
Type:         game/platform
Requires:     020,4 MB Ram and HD
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Recommended:  030,8 MB Ram and HD
Note:         Part 1 of 3.Don't forget to download the other 2 archives!

           Charly The Merc Episode I :

           The Ancient Art Of Shooting

             People Between The Eyes

This game is a side-viewed platformer/shoot'em-up.This is the full game.
It is the result of 3 years of discontinued but nonetheless really hard work.
It has got 5 standard weapons,2 especial ones plus a secret one.
The game spans over 3 different worlds,each with it's own enemies and

IMPORTANT:This game has got scenes of graphical violence,which in spite of
the "cartoon" feel of the GFX may be considered offensive.I don't
recommend it to small children or to very serious people myself.You've
been warned!


Unpack the 3 archives wherever you like.Note that a drawer WON'T be


To run the game just double-click the icon.It is adviced that you restart
the machine before playing,since the game is very chip-memory hungry.

For more info on the game itself,read the docs included.

PLEASE e-mail me and let me know what you think!And if you are either a
graphician or musician yourself,please don't hesitate to contact me.I need
help for Charly The Merc:Episode II and another project (more info on
the docs).