Short: Little shoot`em`up game Author: (Fullspeed Creative Development) Uploader: Martin Schulze <schulze phil uni-sb de> Type: game/shoot Architecture: m68k-amigaos +----------------------------+ + ASSMILATION - <CAFFEINE 2> + +----------------------------+ Long (?) Describtion: --------------------- Assimilation is a little shoot`em`up. It`s Freeware and you can copy it to all your friends if they want it. In Assimilation you must control a little Space-Ship trough 4 diffrent stages. Features: --------- · Gravity · Extra Items to collect · diffrent attack waves · 50 fps scrolling · some hard to destroy big enemies · great music from Ruben Monteiro Requirements: ------------- · 1 MB Ram · 68020 processor Of course the games runs also with the AGA-Chipset, Fastram, Turbocards etc... Credits: -------- Ben Campbell Jochen Heizmann JS. Hong --------------------- ---------------------- -------- Programming, Graphics Additional Programming Graphics Emmanuel Henné Ruben Monteiro -------------- -------------- Titlepicture Music This game was written entirely in Blitz Basic II by Ben Campbell, and adapted and updated to version 2 by Jochen Heizmann. VISIT OUR HOMEPAGE AND GET MORE TOP GAMES FOR FREE: --------------------------------------------------- <> OR CONTACT US FOR ANY PURPORSES: -------------------------------- Fullspeed Creative Development Oberer Hummelberg 1 D-72275 Alpirsbach Germany Tel....: 0049 (0) 7444 910 95 Fax....: 0049 (0) 7444 910 97 E-Mail.: