84794 packages online


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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
Viper-Samples.lha game/data 590 208K 1996-11-14 generic icon NEW Samples for Viper - (readme)
VirtuNidus.lha game/data 614 51K 1997-04-26 generic icon Course for Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf - (readme)
vt-chick.lha game/data 705 623K 1995-06-30 generic icon Cardset for Klondike AGA - VT Chicks - (readme)
waltz.lha game/data 630 275K 1999-04-14 generic icon Quake Level (for PainKeep) - (readme)
WateredKnee.lha game/data 663 113K 1997-02-16 generic icon Golf course for Jack Nicklaus' Ultimate - (readme)
WBPAnnaK2.lha game/data 628 111K 1999-08-30 generic icon WBPerplexity: Anna Kournikova #2 Puzzles - (readme)
WBPGarfield.lha game/data 627 157K 2000-04-01 generic icon Garfield puzzle set for WBPerplexity - (readme)
WBPGoo.lha game/data 634 174K 2000-04-09 generic icon WBPerplexity: Funny animated puzzle set - (readme)
WBPPenguins.lha game/data 612 37K 2000-07-03 generic icon WBPerplexity Penguins - (readme)
WBPSanta.lha game/data 612 207K 2000-10-16 generic icon Animated puzzle for WBPerplexity 1.5+ - (readme)
wbw_gfx_b.lha game/data 636 206K 1999-09-23 generic icon Graphic files for WBWort V3.x - (readme)
wdccheese.lha game/data 637 17K 1997-04-08 generic icon A very nice LANDSCAPE for Worms DC - (readme)
WDCPack.lha game/data 659 39K 1997-04-12 generic icon Landscapes and customs for WormsDC - (readme)
WDCRuins.lha game/data 612 22K 1997-04-22 generic icon High quality level for WORMS DC - (readme)
wdcsamp2.lha game/data 656 62K 1997-04-24 generic icon Those 'rude' samples for WormsDC - (readme)
WDCSamples.lha game/data 729 1.4M 1997-09-01 generic icon A new sample set for WormsDC - (readme)
wdcsamps.lha game/data 644 1.7M 1997-04-19 generic icon HUGE (2.5Meg) sample set for WormsDC - (readme)
WDCSweSamples1.lha game/data 638 1.0M 1997-07-08 generic icon Swedish Custom Samples for Worms DC - (readme)
wdc_cand.lha game/data 786 34K 1998-09-17 generic icon "Candy Land" WormsDC DIY Landscape - (readme)
WDC_Candy.lha 2.5 game/data 807 95K 1999-05-19 generic icon "Candy Land" WormsDC DIY Land - (readme)
WDC_Candyn.lha 2.5 game/data 795 95K 1999-05-19 generic icon "Candy Land" WormsDC DIY Land - (readme)
WDC_diy_AB.lha 1.0 game/data 617 63K 1997-08-07 generic icon A couple of DIY landscapes for Worms DC - (readme)
WDC_gft_AB.lha 1.0 game/data 606 16K 1997-08-07 generic icon Graffitti landscapes for Worms DC - (readme)
WDC_IM.lha game/data 608 22K 1997-07-20 generic icon Iron Maiden DIY landscape for WormsDC - (readme)
WDC_UlkLand.lha game/data 623 133K 1997-07-08 generic icon Seven *new* Worms DC Custom Levels - (readme)
WDC_UlkLand2.lha game/data 602 31K 1997-08-10 generic icon Two *new* Worms DC DIY Levels - (readme)
WDC_WallGrom.lha 0.5 game/data 588 58K 1997-05-17 generic icon Wallace and Gromit WDC Landscape - (readme)
WDC_Zznic_Crew.lha game/data 650 1.4M 1998-02-28 generic icon Landscapes & costum levels for WormsDC - (readme)
weirdness1.lha game/data 738 522K 2008-06-27 generic icon Weirdness Chapter 1 for Megazeux - (readme)
WeirdWorms.lha game/data 601 43K 1997-03-17 generic icon A cool custom stage for worms! - (readme)
wendy_cards.lha game/data 665 709K 1996-01-21 generic icon Klondike AGA cardsets: Wendy Windham - (readme)
WetWomenREKO.lha game/data 798 583K 1998-03-03 generic icon REKO cardset in HAM8 (Klondike AGA) - (readme)
woman-cards.lha game/data 719 563K 1994-04-06 generic icon New card set for Klondike AGA - (readme)
Wordsearch.lha game/data 849 1K 2000-08-16 generic icon 2 Wordsearch puzzles for Guess Stress - (readme)
WorkShop96wrm.lha game/data 618 17K 1996-03-21 generic icon Worms: Official level for Workshop 96 - (readme)
WORM-o-MANIA.lha game/data 606 226K 1997-01-30 generic icon Total Worming goes on with 9 Pictures - (readme)
WormKeep.lha game/data 627 27K 1996-02-27 generic icon A new customlevel for Team17's Worms... - (readme)
WormNoiz.lha game/data 632 815K 1996-05-14 generic icon The BEST EVER Worms Sound Kit - (readme)
wormrsp1.lha 1.0 game/data 607 315K 1996-12-10 generic icon Worms Full Replacement sample pack. - (readme)
Worms-BESTOF98.lha game/data 660 2.1M 1999-02-24 generic icon Worms best levels and DIY - (readme)
worms.lha game/data 651 210K 1997-01-17 generic icon 15 levels for commercial WORMS game. - (readme)
worms2.lha 2.0 game/data 679 46K 1996-03-09 generic icon The best WORMS lands ever - (readme)
wormsamp.lha game/data 633 302K 1996-03-24 generic icon Sound file for Worms - (readme)
WormSAMPLES.lha game/data 622 424K 1997-02-05 generic icon Worms CASTIZO SAMPLES - (readme)
wormsdc_maps.lha game/data 659 47K 1997-03-31 generic icon Two Custom Levels For WormsDC - (readme)
WormsDom.lha game/data 632 60K 1997-06-24 generic icon Worms DC files (3 DIY & 2 Custom) - (readme)
WormsEMA.lha game/data 629 201K 1996-06-02 generic icon The COOLEST levels for WORMS!! - (readme)
WormsExtra2.lha 2nd rel. game/data 737 195K 1996-05-07 generic icon Some fancy levels for Worms - (readme)
Wormslevels.lha game/data 628 61K 2002-05-26 generic icon Some worms levels - (readme)
WormsMaps.lha game/data 651 144K 1995-12-15 generic icon Updated Worms Maps by Stone-D - (readme)
Found 891 matching packages
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