Short: Managing multiple mailboxes with YAM Author: (Stephan Schupfer) Uploader: schupfer sbox tu-graz ac at (Stephan Schupfer) Type: comm/mail Version: 1.1 Requires: MUI Architecture: m68k-amigaos MultiYAM is a programm which handles multiple mailboxes with YAM. It is like YUAdmin but is programmed using MUI. Some of the features: - Can handle up to 10 mailboxes. - Using MUI. Requirements: YAM and everything YAM need (MUI,.....) History ------- V1.0 24.10.96 - first public release - done in one day ! V1.1 05.11.96 - added MUI_Settings - added Icon at Iconified - some code cleanup - fixed some stack problems (hope so)